Richmond, VA -- Virginia AFL-CIO launches a new website titled "Labor In Session" to start the 2020 General Assembly Session.
"We must take full advantage of this moment to push a robust pro-worker agenda focused on moving Virginia from the worst state for workers to the best," says Julie Hunter, Virginia AFL-CIO Campaign Manager.
This website is designed to help empower union activists and allies to advocate for legislation that expands the right to organize, protects workers and raises wages.
On this website you can:
Sign up to join us in Richmond to lobby at the General Assembly.
Take rapid action on legislation as it moves through committees and floor votes.
Be armed with talking points so we can speak with one collective voice on worker issues.
Stay updated weekly on the happenings at the General Assembly- what happened and what’s coming.
By joining together and mobilizing like we’ve never done before, Virginia workers will win the legislative changes that will make Virginia a better place for all workers.
The website: is live now, check it out!