2025 General Assembly
This year's General Assembly Session is 60 days. Here are some things that you should take note of about this year's session:
General Assembly Building​
Use https://hodnav.house.virginia.gov/ on your mobile device/cell phone while in the GAB or while virtually lobbying to find meeting rooms, legislator offices and personnel, lactation rooms, restrooms, legislator contact info, view floor by floor maps of the GAB, and find out who's your legislator.
Use https://apps.senate.virginia.gov​ on your mobile device/cell phone while in the GAB or while virtually lobbying to find legislator office numbers, legislator contact info, downloadable lists, seating chart, committees and more.
​​Meriwether's at the General Assembly
Both the cafeteria and the cafe can accommodate dine-in, as well as, to-go orders for both food and coffee/tea drinks that can be ordered online and picked up at various stations in the cafeteria.​
​In-Person Session with Virtual Accessibility
The 2025 GA session this year will be held in person with virtual accessibility
You can lobby and attend floor sessions both in person and virtually.​
​Testifying On A Bill
​Activists may testify in committees both in-person and virtually this year. If you're not sure how to testify virtually,​​ check out our "How to Testify" guides to learn about the sign-up processes for both the House of Delegates and the Senate, as their processes are different. Feel free to download, print, and share the guides!
The General Assembly Basics
Not sure about the ins-and-outs of the General Assembly? Don't worry, watch the video below to understand how our state legislature works.
*As noted above, some things have changed with the hybrid of in-person and virtual attendance , but the structure and process of bill becoming laws remains the same!
2025 General Assembly Committee Assignments
*Note: Committee Assignments for 2025 are being updated.
Who's My Legislator?
Interested to know who your elected officials are who represent you at the General Assembly?
Click the button below to find out.
Track a Bill
Thousands of bills are heard during a General Assembly session, so tracking a particular bill that is important to you can be helpful and save you time. Tracking a bill allows you to know what the language of the bill is/how something is being changed or implemented, who sponsored/patroned the bill, who has signed on as a co-sponsor to the bill, when and where a bill is being read/heard, and how legislators have voted on the issue.
If you know the House Bill (HB) or Senate Bill (SB) number, the patron of the bill, or even a keyword in the bill, you can certainly find it easily.
Click the button below to view all of the bills this session and search for the bill(s) that interests you.
Head over to the Virginia General Assembly website to:
Need more information about the General Assembly?