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Take Action Now - updating for '25!

Join us here on this page to find our letter writing campaigns and other actionable items we will need your help on during session.

Raise The Wage

Tell lawmakers to vote "YES" on Raising the Wage, to guarantee Virginians have a livable wage. 


No one who works full time should have to live in poverty.  A consumer-based economy simply doesn’t work if people have no disposable income. Increasing the minimum wage helps workers, local economies and communities alike. 

Save Virginia Film!

Tell lawmakers to vote "YES" on HB 2108 / SB #, to bring Virginia's film and television incentive funds to the $50M regional average. 


Virginia’s film incentive funding is depleted through 2026, and lawmakers face an urgent choice. While neighboring states have tripled their incentives in the last decade, Virginia has remained relatively stagnant. Without immediate action, we risk losing major productions already interested in filming here. 

The jobs created in the industry are largely well paying, mostly unionized, and provide these workers with health and retirement benefits and include members of International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE), and International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT).


Fairness for Injured Workers

Tell lawmakers to support bringing VA in line with the other 49 states on repetitive injury coverage.

Workers’ compensation provides a crucial source of health care coverage and income support for sick or injured workers. This bill would especially benefit workers employed in plants and other workplaces where repetitive activities are a normal part of the workday by ensuring their injuries are compensable under Virginia's workers' comp system

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Collective Bargaining Rights

Tell lawmakers to support collective bargaining rights for public employees.

All Virginia workers should have the right to join a union and the right to collective bargaining, so they have a voice at work. But right now, only a fraction of Virginia’s public service workers like teachers, firefighters, and nurses have the right to negotiate for fair wages and safe working conditions.

The right to bargain collectively for a contract is a better bargain for our public service workers, it’s also a better bargain for our communities. Our public workers know what they need to do for their jobs. We are all stronger and safer when teachers can negotiate for things like smaller class sizes, emergency responders can negotiate for things like more up-to-date equipment, and nurses can negotiate for things like better staffing ratios in hospitals.

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Tell lawmakers to vote "YES" on HJ 2/ SJ 248, to guarantee Virginians the right to universal suffrage/the right to vote. 


Denying the right to vote based on a felony conviction is racist in its origin, intent, and execution. At the 1902 Constitutional Convention when felony disenfranchisement was adopted, lawmakers talked openly about using this law to “eliminate the ignorant and worthless negro as a factor from politics of this State without taking the right of suffrage from a single white man.” It has done its intended job of blocking generations of Black people from the vote.


HJ 2/ SJ 248 will remove it and ensure that every Virginia citizen over the age of 18 can vote.

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