Richmond, VA-- In November, many pro-labor candidates were elected to serve in Virginia's General Assembly. Since turning the legislature blue, attacks on repealing right-to-work laws have been mounting daily. It seems the entire state is watching and waiting to see what the legislature will do when it comes to putting workers first this session.
In addition to lobbying, writing op-eds, participating in interviews, etc. to educate Virginians about right-to-work and why it should be repealed, Virginia AFL-CIO released a sticker in response to Virginia Governor Ralph Northam's opposition to repealing the racist, archaic, anti-labor law. The sticker reads "The ONLY Way Ahead : Repeal Right To Work," and will be available to those who would like to join in solidarity around the issue.
If you are interested in receiving your own sticker for your local union, organization, or for yourself, please contact Virginia AFL-CIO Communications Director Destiny LeVere [dlevere@va-aflcio.org] for more information.