So much is happening and we are steady making progress at the General Assembly. Meetings with Delegates and Senators, morning meetings with labor activists, phone calls, emails, and long committee meetings are becoming the norm for sure! Our labor activists are testifying on legislation and it is making a HUGE difference in ensuring our progress from over the years is not stripped away from us.
Also, The House Appropriations Committee is currently considering the nearly 900 budget amendments submitted by members of the House at the beginning of this session. The Committee should complete its work next weekend and be ready to report its revised draft of Governor Northam’s outgoing budget the following week. At that point, the House will vote on its version of the budget before sending it to the other chamber.
As you can see, things are happening and we are rolling day by day. Check out some of this week's highlights.
Defeated Bad Bills/Bad Bills That Went Away for Year:
Attack on PLAs (HB 1091)
Bad Charter School Bills (SB 608/ SB 635)
Bills that would have hurt union self-insured health plans (HB 560/ HB 943)
Good Bills That Advanced:
Paid Sick Leave for Grocery Store and Healthcare Workers (SB 352/ SB 624)
Buy Virginian/Buy American PPE (SB 416)
Right to Vote Constitutional Amendment (SJ 1/ SB 21)
Good Bills That Passed One Chamber:
Equal Pay salary history bill (SB 447)
You see the great work that is being done, and we want more people to be a part of it! We need your help this session! Sign up to virtually lobby with us this session -- the more labor activists we have, the better!